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Fundamentals of Linux Security for System Administrators teaches students basic Linux command line usage and filesystem structure, how to configure, evaluate and troubleshoot common management services used on today’s Linux systems, and well as how to configure and test a Linux-based firewall. Linux System Administrators are often responsible for managing systems containing critical or sensitive data and infrastructure. The ability to securely and effectively manage Linux systems is paramount to the System Administrator job role. Completion of this module will prepare students to handle the basic requisite tasks associated with configuring, managing and troubleshooting Linux management tools, services and firewalls.

Target Audience

In order for system administrators to effectively design secure systems, they must have a solid understanding of the Linux command line and file system, and how processes such as authorization, authentication, encryption, and service hardening work across a variety of operating systems. In addition, system administrators should have a strong understanding of common Linux ports, services, and how to control access to ports and services via firewalls.


After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Perform basic command line usage and syntax

  • Perform package management on Linux

  • Identify basic file system structure

  • Identify and describe common management services on Linux, and the use case for each

  • Configure and troubleshoot various common management services on Linux

  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various service configurations

  • Perform service hardening on common Linux management services

  • Configure Linux-based firewall

  • Lab 1: Basic Linux Command Line Usage

  • Lab 2: Basic Linux Filesystem Structure

  • Lab 3: Telnet Traffic Capture

  • Lab 4: Installing OpenSSH server, configuring ssh

  • Lab 5: SSH Keypairs, SSH Keypair Passphrases, and exporting SSH public keys to remote machine

  • Lab 6: Fail2Ban Setup and Analysis

  • Lab 7: Setting up a firewall with UFW and firewall

Course Duration

Estimated Course Length: 12 hours.

Course Datasheet
LNX200 - Fundamentals of Linux Security
Download Datasheet